Hi-Rel Sourcing

Defence & Hi-Rel Sourcing

Our sourcing specialists offer a comprehensive sourcing service for obsolete and hard-to-find electronic components for Defence, Aerospace and other Hi-Rel applications. Utilising the latest anti-counterfeit detection methods, and with over 25 years of industry knowledge, Solsta is the assured source for all your obsolescence requirements such as:

Services available:

Read our real life Hi-Rel customer success stories here

Electronic Component Sourcing

  • Accredited to AS9120 & BS EN ISO 9001
  • Global approved sources (all vendors approved to AS9120)
  • Stringent validity check conducted on ERAI database for companies & components
  • Access to OEM excess last time buy inventory
  • Access to franchised distribution last time buy inventory

Electrical Re-Testing or
Re-Qualification of Components

  • AS9100 accredited test houses utilising latest equipment
  • Electrical testing to manufacturer’s original specification, in accordance with AS6081/AS5553
  • Customised electrical testing for specific applications
  • Tested product supplied with full test paperwork

Anti-Counterfeit Procedures

  • Inspection and test in accordance with AS6081
  • Component, date-code & lot-code checked for historical counterfeiting against ERAI database
  • 100% visual die inspection
  • Acetone wipe test
  • Heated Dynasolve/Black top test
  • Real time X-ray
  • XRF lead verification

Component Up-Screening &
Value-Added Services

  • Integrated circuits up-screened to Industrial, Military & MIL883
  • Diodes and Transistors to TX level
  • Re-tinning (Pb free to Sn Pb)
  • In-house tape & reeling (AS9100 certified)
  • MSD dry-packing (AS9100 certified)

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Long Term Storage Facility

  • Customer dedicated secure warehouse
  • Correct handling procedures for ESD/MSL product
  • Dedicated Value Added Services department for re-reeling & re-packing of stored product (AS91 00C certified)
  • Option to electrically retest mature LTB product at AS9100 approved test facilities

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Long Term Specialist Packaging

Unique packaging material with up to 15 years product protection against ageing

  • Ageing & corrosion protection prevention from -35°C to +80°C
  • Permanent electrostatic protection, water vapour & moisture protection
  • Available in standard bag sizes or custom shrink wrap for large items
  • Approved to multiple standards including DEF STAN 81 -41, NASA SP-R-0022A, MIL 81705D, ANSI/ESD-S7.1-1994 & many more
  • Corrosion protection: salt spray & salt fog
  • Protects ferrous, non-ferrous materials, electronic components, optical components & plastics

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Get in touch and speak to one of our SOS experts to see how we can help.

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